The numbers on the thick lines mark each foot of snow. The thin lines mark each 6 inches of snow.
Temperature: 61.7℉    Humidity: 43.2%
Today's Low: 35.2℉    Today's High: 61.7℉
as of 11:30 AM
The most recent Cow Creek Conditions

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This page shows the snow level and temperature at Cow Creek, California.

An attempt is made to update the picture every half-hour between 8:00 AM and 5:00 PM each day.

The numbers on the thick lines show the snow depth in feet. The thin lines on the scale show the 6 inch point between each foot. On the thermometer, just to the right of the long vertical mark between 20 & 40 degrees, that is where 32 degrees is.

The temperature under the picture is taken from a sensor on the North side of the shed. It is always in the shade. This temperature reading will be updated more often.
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